

ESG Philosophy for proprietary business of IfK Company, KWG §32 Abs.1a KWG Eigengeschäft (not for client portfolios)

ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) are three core factors for the sustainability of investment decisions. Since 2013 (for FY 2012), an annual report on sustainability and inclusion of ESG criteria has been prepared and is part of the external auditor's audit.

Many sustainability rating and research agencies use the ESG approach. Numerous investors, such as the members of the UN PRI (Principles for Resonsible Investments), integrate important ESG criteria in their analyses of securities, including IfK - Institut für Kapitalmarkt die Generationen Vermögensverwaltung for proprietary business (KWG §32 Abs.1a KWG Eigengeschäft). The same applies to the charitable foundation “MKW Glücksstiftung”, founded by Mr Martin Wilhelm in 2005. This refers exclusively to the company IfK - Institut für Kapitalmarkt die Generationen Vermögensverwaltung GmbH and not to investment concepts of clients offered by the company and should therefore explicitly not be considered as an advertising tool.

The ESG investment policy for proprietary business of IfK - Institut für Kapitalmarkt - Die Generationen Vermögensverwaltung GmbH is based on the guidelines of the Swiss National Bank (SNB). The following guidelines are a matter of course and essential

  • No arms / weapon manufacturers (war weapons, cluster bombs etc.)
  • No companies that systematically cause serious environmental damage (Tepco, Fukushima etc.)
  • No companies that massively violate fundamental human rights
  • No securities of tobacco industry

This refers to both bonds and shares and is always referred to all outstanding securities, shares, bonds and debentures as well as all intermediate products (hybrids). The statements describe IfK's own investments / proprietary business and do not refer to the clients mandates in the context of asset management. Beside our proprietary investment philosophy we try to include sustainability goals in our daily business and corporate organization, e.g.

  • Out of respect for the environment, car journeys made from 2014 onwards were more than 90 percent with e-mobility, i.e. with 100% e-vehicles.
  • More than 10 % of the IfK's operating income has been allocated to the Foundation in the last 10 years
  • In other words: We eat our own cooking

Both sustainable risks and the Institute Remuneration Policy will be taken into account within the Institute’s compensation policy. In addition to the principles for responsible corporate management, the Institute will be guided by the German Corporate Governance Code.

Disclosure Regulation / Taxonomy Regulation

The Regulation EU 2019/2088, known as Disclosure Regulation, was announced on 9 December 2019. The Disclosure Regulation will largely apply from 10 March 2021 (Art. 20 (2) VO EU 2019/2088).

On 22 June 2020 the Regulation EU 2020/852, the Taxonomy Regulation, was announced. In case Art. 4 to 8 VO EU 2020/852 refer to further environmental objectives under Art. 9 VO EU 2020/852, these articles shall apply from 1 January 2023.

Further information about Offenlegungsverordnung Art. 3 and Art.4 via Contact / Imprint / Rechtl. Hinweise III

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